Winters’ Day In
Conversations on life, faith, stories, and creativity from author Talena Winters.
Pour a cuppa and stay awhile.

Narrowing My Focus
I’ve been busy and trying to do all the things, so it’s time to slow down again and focus on what’s next.

Impostor Syndrome, P.T. Barnum & the Enneagram
My latest bout with Impostor Syndrome led to some interesting discoveries about how Impostor Syndrome and Enneagram Type might work together.

Learning to Follow
Maybe the overwhelm is from taking on things that weren’t mine to bear?

Some weeks, we crawl instead of walk
I felt slower than usual this week, but still ended up with some cool things for my readers and knitting customers. And I got to be social, too.

This Train Track Goes Both Ways
Taking a moment to look back at how far I’ve come before looking to the immediate future again.

Peaks and Valleys
When the blahs happen two weeks a month, it’s not just depression… Also, update on my slow productivity mission, what I did this week in my business (hint: knitting pattern update), and some sad news about my grandmother.

Getting Serious about Rest
On the book Rest: Why you get more done when you work less by Alex Soojung-Kim Pang, and how it’s affecting my shift into slow productivity.

Morning Lite: My New Productivity Plan
Part of my Slow Productivity switch has been changing my morning routine. I’m only a few days in, but it seems to be working so far…

Last Firsts
It’s my third-born’s last first day of school. I’m doing the mom thing and being proud and nostalgic.

What's weird about being a writer
The journey to and through a book launch is full of ups and downs. Also, Every Star that Shines is out at last. I read a couple of pages from it in this post.

Searching for Rainbows
This week’s coffee chat update, including my not-quite-writer’s-block woes and my adventures on TikTok.

Lots of bookish things… including my new title!
Update on my week, including the arrival of the hardbacks for Every Star that Shines! Woot!