Winters’ Day In
Time to spill the tea. Wanna cuppa?
Becoming Healthier Through Better Time Management
An update on my progress toward getting fit, and what I’ve finally done that is working.
What I Decided
While looking for a way to make my writing business sustainable, I discovered that the answer was in front of me all the time. Life is good.
Real Talk: What the EHT Black Hole and My Fiction Career Have in Common
The Indie Publishing process, and the unique struggles that is posing at my current career phase. I need your help to make this thing work.
Please, Get Uncomfortable
Christians tend to grab a flag—and a sword and pitchfork—whenever we perceive that our “rights” or our “faith” are being threatened. But as the standard-bearers of Christ, are we really crusading for what we think we are?
The Waterboy Cover Reveal
Two weeks from today, on March 27, I will be releasing The Waterboy. It will be free and available exclusively to my newsletter subscribers. Here is the cover, blurb, and a short behind-the-scenes about the book.
Finding Gratitude in a Week of Highs And Lows
It’s been a strange week. And by “strange,” I mean it was like there were an extra six really-high highs and kinda-sucky lows stuffed into it without much of a breather between one or the other. So, for posterity, here are the highlights, and a moment to be grateful, too.
Big Week Ahead
I’m not sure I’m cramming enough exciting things into my week. What do you think?
Equilibrium: What a Rush!
Today, I had an epiphany. I realized that my idealized state of “balance” and true homeostasis are not the same thing. This is going to change everything…
Working with Impostor Syndrome
When it comes to self-makeovers, there is no louder voice about what "should be done" than the one coming from between our ears. And there is nothing wrong with self-reflection and a determination to do something better in the coming year. But there are certain things that we will never be “ready” for until we start doing them.
Mae Renfroe: Surrendered to God
Mae Renfroe lost her second-eldest son, Clayton, in a quadding accident in April of 2017 at the age of fourteen. Mae and I both hope you will be encouraged by her story.
Finding Peace in the Pain
For many, the holidays can be a difficult time of year. I recently shared a one-minute testimony about how I’ve found peace after our family tragedy, and wanted to share it with you. I hope it blesses you.
Indulgent Eggnog (with or without Dairy)
This eggnog recipe has converted confirmed eggnog haters. “Liquid ice cream,” someone once called it. And now I have a dairy-free version. (This post includes both.)
Wonder and Gratitude
When I think back to last December, I can see how very much has happened in my life in the last year, what I’ve accomplished, and how I’ve changed. And I’m grateful.
Dairy-Free Hot Chocolate
A delicious, frothy, homemade dairy-free hot chocolate recipe for you.
New Leaf and Two Announcements
My mission to get my weight under control, plus the release of the Just Plain Gloves Knitting Pattern and an announcement about some of my short fiction.