Winters’ Day In
Conversations on life, faith, stories, and creativity from author Talena Winters.
Pour a cuppa and stay awhile.

Living Without Regrets
The new Apple TV thriller series Dark Matter and a recent blog-organization project have me thinking deep (and grateful) thoughts about the roads not taken… and the one I did.

Life Lessons from a Late-Undiagnosed ADHD-er
I’m still new on the journey of learning about my ADHD, but I’ve been learning about how to deal with it for a long time—and these are a few things I’d love my kids, or anyone else learning to deal with executive disfunction (or even just life), to learn earlier rather than later.

Coming to Life Again
I’m rising from the ashes of a crash and burn four years ago with hope and optimism for a new year, and some intentions to make it a year I’m proud of.

Sowing New Creative Seeds
Notes on the “in-between” stages of creative work and how I’m planning to tackle my upcoming projects to publish more frequently and keep my creativity fresh.

Rattling Around In My Head
About the empty nest, my current health, my amazing hubby, and how he inspires my love stories.

Nurturing the Garden of My Soul
A self-reflective post about how far I’ve come and yet to go through the lens of my Enneagram Three-ness, and immediate plans for this blog.

Working on a cure for Business ADHD…
A note to self about why I’m making the decisions I’m about to make, so when I question my sanity later, I can look back at this and say, “Oh, yeah.”

The Gifts of a Difficult Season
Reflecting on a life-changing year for me and the gifts it’s given me to take into 2024.

The Year of Magic
A short post about the shift I’ve made in my business going into the new year, and how I intend to help my customers unleash more magic in their lives (while I do the same).

Stories and Embers
My energy’s low, so instead of pondering life like I usually do, here’s a little round-up of some of my recent projects you might be interested in.

Following Joy
I’m slowing down on even more things… including how I market my business. And you know what? I like it.

Narrowing My Focus
I’ve been busy and trying to do all the things, so it’s time to slow down again and focus on what’s next.