Working on a cure for Business ADHD…
Image courtesy of Jackson Simmer on Unsplash.
This week, I was lamenting to my husband about how anxious I am about my inability to properly nurture all of my various entrepreneurial endeavours, especially the ones I most want to grow, and he said I had business ADHD.
My goodness, does that feel accurate.
With the heightened anxiety I’m experiencing just as a bi-product of being in perimenopause, I’ve been looking for the cure to my “business ADHD” for some time. I know why it exists—as a freelancer, income is never guaranteed, and my passive income sources are not yet substantial enough to make up the difference. So whenever I get nervous about my income, I spin my attention to whatever seems the most likely to produce an immediate income boost—or at least an immediate dopamine hit by making me feel productive, whether that’s the smartest use of my time or not.
I’ve tried to make good decisions, but I’ve been coming to recognize unhealthy patterns I have that have gotten me into this position in the first place. (It’s a work in progress, so I suspect I’ll continue to find more.)
I feel like I hoard business endeavours like some people hoard shoes or household clutter. And whenever I start to feel overwhelmed, the idea of actually shutting down one of those ventures to make room for more energy to grow in my preferred direction is even more overwhelming.
But I think I’m making progress on a cure, both for my fear-based patterns and my overwhelm. Yes, it will require letting go of some of my darlings. (Obviously.) My husband couldn’t be more supportive.
I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t terrified.
But hopefully, I can focus that fear toward growing in healthy ways, instead of constantly dispersing my attention between things that will only contribute to my stress.
More updates coming soon.