Winters’ Day In
Conversations on life, faith, stories, and creativity from author Talena Winters.
Pour a cuppa and stay awhile.

Through the Fire
We’re in the worst wildfire season in Alberta’s history, but there’s a lot of other life stuff happening too. Thankfully, most of it’s good.

Peaks and Valleys
When the blahs happen two weeks a month, it’s not just depression… Also, update on my slow productivity mission, what I did this week in my business (hint: knitting pattern update), and some sad news about my grandmother.

The Year of Playing with Words and Yarn
This year, I'm taking my knitting business in a slightly new direction, one designed to respark my joy, to borrow an overused trending phrase. I have decided to take a year off of publishing new patterns, and have declared this my "Year of Playing With Words and Yarn." That means you’ll be hearing more about knitting. And that’s a good thing.

When You Just Can’t Do It All
Lately, I've been getting that too-familiar "overwhelmed" feeling. Looking back over the first six months of this year, I am coming to a difficult conclusion: I still can't do it all. So it's time to reset some priorities.