7 Moments to Remember

Over the years, my blogging style has changed, as have the reasons for it. Part of the reason is that all those little family moments I used to record on here are now posted on social media most of the time.

I love my "new blog", but sometimes miss being able to get a peek at our daily life as I read through the archives. I recently decided that the moments I really want to remember need not be lost on my timelines, or even just my phone memory. Thanks to modern technology, I can also keep a record here. So, this is the first "7 Moments" post, meant to keep track of some of those more special family moments.


Tuesday, September 6

Sunday, September 11

Monday, September 12

More about the upcoming Just Plain Mittens pattern here.

Tuesday, September 13

Last week, Jude caught a cold from school. It worked its way through Jabin and Noah this week. Today is the first day all my boys are back at school--and I sent Noah with misgivings, as he has been struggling with a perpetual cough since the cold he caught this spring and it is difficult to tell how sick he still is. (We're getting him tested.)

Wednesday, September 14

Jabin walked to Jason's office after school for some daddy time. While Jason had stepped out of the office for a few minutes to consult worth a coworker, Jabin used his label maker to do this:


As happy as Jabin was with the end product, he was very apologetic for using up all of Jason's label tape!

Talena Winters

I make magic with words. And I drink tea. A lot of tea.


Photo Friday: Become Patient


3 Secret Weapons for Amazing Productivity