Winters’ Day In
Conversations on life, faith, stories, and creativity from author Talena Winters.
Pour a cuppa and stay awhile.

Living Without Regrets
The new Apple TV thriller series Dark Matter and a recent blog-organization project have me thinking deep (and grateful) thoughts about the roads not taken… and the one I did.

Life Lessons from a Late-Undiagnosed ADHD-er
I’m still new on the journey of learning about my ADHD, but I’ve been learning about how to deal with it for a long time—and these are a few things I’d love my kids, or anyone else learning to deal with executive disfunction (or even just life), to learn earlier rather than later.

Aspirational Paradox
Kent M. Keith’s “Paradoxical Commandments” really hit home today. Quick read, but a powerful one.

You do you, boo.
Everyone needs something they do that feeds their soul without worrying if it’s “good enough.” And if the trolls don’t approve, just remember—they’re the ones who are missing out. Keep doing the thing. Keep making the art. Keep playing and being creative and having fun. Ditch the perfection and hold onto the joy for dear life. That’s what creativity is for.

Learning to Follow
Maybe the overwhelm is from taking on things that weren’t mine to bear?

God Rest Ye Merry: Our Return to Celebrating Christmas
Why we celebrated Christmas for the first time in eighteen years, and some thoughts about changing perspectives.

Rhonda Parrish: Thriving with her Tribe
Author, editor, and hydra-tamer Rhonda Parrish has made a life doing what she loves best—writing and helping others. Her deep-seated passion for creating community grew from surprising roots. Rhonda has been a positive influence for many aspiring and established writers. Read this post to find out how she forged a path to get to where she is now.

Take Another Step
You are only one step away from being one step closer to your goal. Take another step today.

Mark Leslie Lefebvre Finds His Voice
Author, speaker, bookseller, and publishing industry expert Mark Leslie Lefebvre on overcoming personal fears to fulfill his passion—telling stories and helping other authors be successful.

Joshua Pantalleresco: Blessing the Broken Road
Writer and podcaster Joshua Pantalleresco has had more than a few unexpected twists and turns in his life, but he’s learned to embrace change and opportunities when they come… and has usually been grateful he has.

The Secret to Breaking Writer's Block: Do It Anyway; Also, an update.
Whether it’s fitness, professional, emotional, or spiritual goals—the only way to reach them is to do the work, whether you feel like it or not. The same is true for Writer’s Block. And, since it’s been a while, there are updates on multiple topics in this post.

Equilibrium: What a Rush!
Today, I had an epiphany. I realized that my idealized state of “balance” and true homeostasis are not the same thing. This is going to change everything…