So Much To Say, So Little Time.
What with our upcoming "move", getting the garden in, and school year wrap-up activities, I have had quite a lot of "life" happening that I would like to get onto this blog, but very little time and energy left at the end of the day to do it. The same could be said today, but I am MAKING the time.
First things first. The offer we made on the mobile home we really liked (see this post) has been accepted, and the mould test for the house was passed. If we can get the gas-fitter, mover, and all other necessary activites, people, and things lined up just right, we should be moving the trailer this upcoming weekend!
That is going to make for a very busy week.
Thankfully, the garden is officially in, as of today, except for a few tomato plants I have in the house still.
My chicks have been doing just fine. We have lost a few for various reasons, but now, at two and a half weeks old, they all have enough weight that they are a little more hardy. They proved this on Thursday night, when we had freezing temperature, heavy wind gusts, and rain which turned into snow (!) the next day. Yep, you read that right: Snow on June 1st. It still doesn't top 2002, when we had snow on the August Long Weekend! (First weekend of August, for you non-Canucks.) Anyway, the chicks were all still breathing the next morning, so all my prayers on their behalf through that cold, blustery night must have been heard! (Thanks again, God!)
I realize that this is a VERY brief update, but I really need to hit the hay. Let me leave you with some photos I took about two weeks ago, when spring had literally seemed to explode onto the scene in less than a week's time. We went from barren-looking trees and snow-covered lawns to crabapples in full bloom. (Some of last year's crabapples haven't wanted to "cut the apron strings" yet.)
![Autumn's crab apples among Spring's flowers](
And bees taking advantage of it.
![Bee in the crabapple blossoms](
And boys being silly...
![Cheetahboy and Squirt in a silly hug.](
... Wait. That happens year-round, doesn't it?
First things first. The offer we made on the mobile home we really liked (see this post) has been accepted, and the mould test for the house was passed. If we can get the gas-fitter, mover, and all other necessary activites, people, and things lined up just right, we should be moving the trailer this upcoming weekend!
That is going to make for a very busy week.
Thankfully, the garden is officially in, as of today, except for a few tomato plants I have in the house still.
My chicks have been doing just fine. We have lost a few for various reasons, but now, at two and a half weeks old, they all have enough weight that they are a little more hardy. They proved this on Thursday night, when we had freezing temperature, heavy wind gusts, and rain which turned into snow (!) the next day. Yep, you read that right: Snow on June 1st. It still doesn't top 2002, when we had snow on the August Long Weekend! (First weekend of August, for you non-Canucks.) Anyway, the chicks were all still breathing the next morning, so all my prayers on their behalf through that cold, blustery night must have been heard! (Thanks again, God!)
I realize that this is a VERY brief update, but I really need to hit the hay. Let me leave you with some photos I took about two weeks ago, when spring had literally seemed to explode onto the scene in less than a week's time. We went from barren-looking trees and snow-covered lawns to crabapples in full bloom. (Some of last year's crabapples haven't wanted to "cut the apron strings" yet.)
![Autumn's crab apples among Spring's flowers](
And bees taking advantage of it.
![Bee in the crabapple blossoms](
And boys being silly...
![Cheetahboy and Squirt in a silly hug.](
... Wait. That happens year-round, doesn't it?