My Style
A shabby chic-ish layout celebrating my unorthodox fashion sense.
The hubby's sleeping. Two of the kids are sleeping. I am taking a second day "off" in a row--and scrapbooking for the first time in months.
The photos in this layout were taken in January of 2009. Here is another photo of the dress under the coat, taken last fall with my stylin', comfy (and modest! when the wind blows the dress up à la Marilyn Monroe) red-with-white-polka-dots bloomers:
Shiloh wasn’t sure what was going on, but he didn’t like it…
I made this dress in January of '09 while Jason was in Nashville at the Financial Peace Counselor training. In fact, I believe that it was only the second time I'd worn it in the layout photos. It ended up looking much more like the cotton dresses my grandmother wore in the 50's and 60's than I thought it would, but I like it. I also like that I raided my mom's vintage button stash for it, and that there are at least three different styles and sizes of buttons on it.
Here is another example of my vintage, eclectic style: the dress I made and designed in December of 2009 out of a rather heavy denim that my mom had given me:
This was inspired by a desire to stay warm and to look stylish at the same time. The pleated ruffles are cut on the bias and unfinished, so after it had been washed a couple of times the edges got a little fuzzy and stood out more, especially the one on the skirt. Again, my favourite part is the buttons. I find that I can usually make entire dresses for under $20, but if $12-$15 of that is spent on buttons, it makes the whole dress look more expensive. (Free material really helps!)
The journaling on my layout reads:
If it's a little vintage,
A little unique,
A little modern
A little chic,
A little classy,
A little sweet,
A little homemade,
A little neat,
A little red,
And versatile,
Once all that's said
It's Just My Style.