"Let me explain... No, there is too much. Let me sum up:"
I was looking at a full week. I had nearly finished Jason's costume for Thursday night's upcoming Masquerade Ball, but had only barely begun mine. Some of the lace trimming that I had ordered for my dress from eBay had not even arrived yet! Sew, sew, sew...
After dropping Jude off at karate, an error in judgment on my part led to the right side of our van being scraped up with paint from not one, but two other vehicles. Sigh. I don't have time to deal with an accident this week. But can I just say: "Thank the Lord for our emergency fund!!!"
I know you're wondering, so I'll just tell you. While trying to make a right turn around an SUV parked too close to the curb, I scraped her back bumper corner. Then, while trying to pull into the parking spot two cars ahead of her, I scraped another car's front bumper corner. Our van has the most damage by far. Nothing was hurt, except my pride. Sigh again.
However, two bright spots in the day: I got to talk to my friend Amanda, who called at just the right God-appointed moment to brighten my spirits. Then, we got invited to a private fancy Christmas party for Friday night by one of our church's associate pastors. Yay! The chance to meet new people!
The nights just keep getting later, don't they? Whose stupid idea was it to make this costume, anyway?
The damage estimate on my van comes in at nearly $2000. Thank goodness for insurance.
Today is the big day. I have accepted that my costume will not be finished, as I have not even started altering the pattern for the gown yet. In fact, I still have some issues to work out with the panier and petticoat--fortunately, those are both solved by the time we leave for the party, in part thanks to advice from a local costume designer an acquaintance put me in touch with. Whoo-HOO! While I spent several hours sewing up a separate bodice to try and "fake" the rest of my costume, I must have done something wrong because it was WAY too small. Like "it-looks-like-I-made-it-for-my-kid" too small. Undefeated, I threw a cashmere shawl and a brooch on to cover up my corset and chemise and went with it anyway. The fan did a lovely job of keeping me cool under all those layers!
Jason ended up looking much more piratey than we thought he would. In fact, Cap'n Jack and Captain Hook were smash hits at the party. The kids had a blast chasing around and being chased by the other kids. And it was nice for us to get out and meet some people (at last!) Jude and Jason made Jude a shield to go with his knight costume as the finishing touch. Totally fun! (Blogger's being dumb right now, so I'll post photos later.)
Plus! For the first time in my life I met someone else with the same name as me! Hers is spelled Talina. Of course, I had to get a picture. :-)
Part of my list of tasks for the day included hemming up the pants on the suit I had got Jason for our anniversary several years ago. He had never worn it because although it fit him in the shoulders (which is how I had to purchase it, considering how wide his shoulders are) it had always been far too big for him in the waist. Well, lo and behold, if we didn't discover that his desk jobs over the last couple of years weren't good for something! We had never managed to get the thing altered, and now we didn't need to! ;-D So, his pants got hemmed, and I got to see my hubby in a suit for the first time, um, ever? Unless you count the few times I have seen him in a tux at ours and other's weddings he was involved in. Me-ow, that's all I'm going to say about that.
We had a blast at the party, and met tons of new people from our church, even coming home with our first dinner invitation for this upcoming Thursday night! I would probably have had a lot more fun, even, if I had not twisted and sprained my ankle on the way to the party! I applied some peppermint oil, which reduced the inflammation and pain enough for me to manage through the night. I stayed off my feet as much as possible, though.
When I woke up, I could barely walk. It looked like my ankle had a baseball concealed inside it. Thank goodness Jason was going to be home to help with the kids all day. Oh, and also, to get me an ice pack. And breakfast. And tea...
I had originally planned to clean the house and maybe sew some more on my costume. (C'mon, I gotta finish it!) The whole "not walking" thing put a kaibosh on that plan, though. Instead, I propped myself by my "craft" table (also used as our classroom table), put my feet up, and did something I haven't done much lately--scrapbooked. It was wonderful. I got 5 whole layouts done, and played with oil pastels and glitter. I got ink on my hands and relived some good memories. No wonder I love this hobby!
I still had to go out and milk the cow in the afternoon. If only I had some good, proper "farmgirl" mudboots. But no, I have prissy, feminine-narrow "towngirl" boots. After some grunting, I managed to get my swollen foot into it anyway. Oops, I forgot that meant that I'd have to get it out again!
Mike's dog Tuffy is not usually here while I am milking, but when he is here, he is not supposed to be in the cow pen. Well, yesterday he was here, and not listening very well. I was nearly done milking the first side when he startled the cow. If it weren't for my sprained ankle, there would have been very little harm done. As it was, I dropped the bucket of milk and the cow stepped on my good foot.
I rarely cry actual tears from physical pain. However, I have to admit that as I finished milking the cow (because you have to finish) I cried. I cried some more when I had to take off those prissy towngirl boots. Even with Jason's help, it was an excruciating and slow process. And what's worse, how do you limp when you've got two "bad" feet?
Thankfully, with much icing, and essential oil application, and putting-up-of-the-feet, and a good night's sleep later, I was able to hobble out of bed this morning with only a barely noticeable limp. It has become more pronounced with use today, but things are definitely on the mend.
This week was one amazing roller-coaster ride. I don't know why we got all the excitement we had been missing out on crammed into one seven-day stretch, but I am looking forward to a week that is actually a little more structured and routine, with less of the vehicle-and-bodily-injury-type excitement, and more of the building-relationship-type excitement.
How was your week, friends?
I was looking at a full week. I had nearly finished Jason's costume for Thursday night's upcoming Masquerade Ball, but had only barely begun mine. Some of the lace trimming that I had ordered for my dress from eBay had not even arrived yet! Sew, sew, sew...
After dropping Jude off at karate, an error in judgment on my part led to the right side of our van being scraped up with paint from not one, but two other vehicles. Sigh. I don't have time to deal with an accident this week. But can I just say: "Thank the Lord for our emergency fund!!!"
I know you're wondering, so I'll just tell you. While trying to make a right turn around an SUV parked too close to the curb, I scraped her back bumper corner. Then, while trying to pull into the parking spot two cars ahead of her, I scraped another car's front bumper corner. Our van has the most damage by far. Nothing was hurt, except my pride. Sigh again.
However, two bright spots in the day: I got to talk to my friend Amanda, who called at just the right God-appointed moment to brighten my spirits. Then, we got invited to a private fancy Christmas party for Friday night by one of our church's associate pastors. Yay! The chance to meet new people!
The nights just keep getting later, don't they? Whose stupid idea was it to make this costume, anyway?
The damage estimate on my van comes in at nearly $2000. Thank goodness for insurance.
Today is the big day. I have accepted that my costume will not be finished, as I have not even started altering the pattern for the gown yet. In fact, I still have some issues to work out with the panier and petticoat--fortunately, those are both solved by the time we leave for the party, in part thanks to advice from a local costume designer an acquaintance put me in touch with. Whoo-HOO! While I spent several hours sewing up a separate bodice to try and "fake" the rest of my costume, I must have done something wrong because it was WAY too small. Like "it-looks-like-I-made-it-for-my-kid" too small. Undefeated, I threw a cashmere shawl and a brooch on to cover up my corset and chemise and went with it anyway. The fan did a lovely job of keeping me cool under all those layers!
Jason ended up looking much more piratey than we thought he would. In fact, Cap'n Jack and Captain Hook were smash hits at the party. The kids had a blast chasing around and being chased by the other kids. And it was nice for us to get out and meet some people (at last!) Jude and Jason made Jude a shield to go with his knight costume as the finishing touch. Totally fun! (Blogger's being dumb right now, so I'll post photos later.)
Part of my list of tasks for the day included hemming up the pants on the suit I had got Jason for our anniversary several years ago. He had never worn it because although it fit him in the shoulders (which is how I had to purchase it, considering how wide his shoulders are) it had always been far too big for him in the waist. Well, lo and behold, if we didn't discover that his desk jobs over the last couple of years weren't good for something! We had never managed to get the thing altered, and now we didn't need to! ;-D So, his pants got hemmed, and I got to see my hubby in a suit for the first time, um, ever? Unless you count the few times I have seen him in a tux at ours and other's weddings he was involved in. Me-ow, that's all I'm going to say about that.
We had a blast at the party, and met tons of new people from our church, even coming home with our first dinner invitation for this upcoming Thursday night! I would probably have had a lot more fun, even, if I had not twisted and sprained my ankle on the way to the party! I applied some peppermint oil, which reduced the inflammation and pain enough for me to manage through the night. I stayed off my feet as much as possible, though.
When I woke up, I could barely walk. It looked like my ankle had a baseball concealed inside it. Thank goodness Jason was going to be home to help with the kids all day. Oh, and also, to get me an ice pack. And breakfast. And tea...
I had originally planned to clean the house and maybe sew some more on my costume. (C'mon, I gotta finish it!) The whole "not walking" thing put a kaibosh on that plan, though. Instead, I propped myself by my "craft" table (also used as our classroom table), put my feet up, and did something I haven't done much lately--scrapbooked. It was wonderful. I got 5 whole layouts done, and played with oil pastels and glitter. I got ink on my hands and relived some good memories. No wonder I love this hobby!
I still had to go out and milk the cow in the afternoon. If only I had some good, proper "farmgirl" mudboots. But no, I have prissy, feminine-narrow "towngirl" boots. After some grunting, I managed to get my swollen foot into it anyway. Oops, I forgot that meant that I'd have to get it out again!
Mike's dog Tuffy is not usually here while I am milking, but when he is here, he is not supposed to be in the cow pen. Well, yesterday he was here, and not listening very well. I was nearly done milking the first side when he startled the cow. If it weren't for my sprained ankle, there would have been very little harm done. As it was, I dropped the bucket of milk and the cow stepped on my good foot.
I rarely cry actual tears from physical pain. However, I have to admit that as I finished milking the cow (because you have to finish) I cried. I cried some more when I had to take off those prissy towngirl boots. Even with Jason's help, it was an excruciating and slow process. And what's worse, how do you limp when you've got two "bad" feet?
Thankfully, with much icing, and essential oil application, and putting-up-of-the-feet, and a good night's sleep later, I was able to hobble out of bed this morning with only a barely noticeable limp. It has become more pronounced with use today, but things are definitely on the mend.
This week was one amazing roller-coaster ride. I don't know why we got all the excitement we had been missing out on crammed into one seven-day stretch, but I am looking forward to a week that is actually a little more structured and routine, with less of the vehicle-and-bodily-injury-type excitement, and more of the building-relationship-type excitement.
How was your week, friends?