You Mean I Don't HAVE To Be Sick?

Goji berries, augmented by blueberries, are two of the major components of Ningxia Red, the superfood drink that I have been using for a year to cleanse my liver. Since I started on it, my psoriasis has all but disappeared (it might be completely gone if I got a little more sleep, but, uh, let's not talk about that right now), I have had only a handful of colds, compared to the near-constant state of sickness I was in for the previous five years or so, and have had much more energy on a daily basis than I used to have. My kids also love the "Super Juice," as we call it. When we do get a cold, it tends not to last as long when we use a little extra Ningxia Red. My kids' friends will have a cold that drags on for weeks. My kids will get a runny nose that lasts for a few days to a week, then is gone.

Ningxia Red is one of the most amazing products that Young Living has to offer, in my opinion (and they have some pretty amazing stuff!). If you would like to learn more about how you can start protecting you and your family's health using this, please send me an e-mail (address in sidebar.) I would love to share with you how to improve your family's health, as ours has been over the last year.


Puppy Dog Tails and Everything Nice


Out of Hibernation