Thousands Of Words

Well, I'm home, we survived, and the passports are safely in the works. We should have them well over a month before we travel. (For those who can't remember where we are going, see this post--stuck in the middle somewhere there.) I pulled into the driveway at 5:10-ish--twenty minutes before my first lesson of the evening was to be given! I freshened up as best as I could while Jason and the kids re-acquainted themselves, crammed in some sprouted-grain toast and honey and away I went with my first student.

Here are some photos of the weekend:

The concrete jungle.

Look! I almost saw a metal bull!

Hey! I almost saw him again!

My dad telling a story about Clifford--as only my dad could tell it!

Jabin in all his potty-training glory!

Favourite family passtime: Scrabble. It helped develop (and on Saturday, satisfy) my love of words, and good family conversation. (As you can see, I have the Q on my rack, with no knowledge of the whereabouts of the fourth [and last] U. Should I save the A & D, hoping for an I to make "qaid", or just lay down the lower-risk word "dancer" right now? Decisions, decisions.)

A hot-chocolate mustachioed Jude.

Third try (almost) lucky!
Talena Winters

I make magic with words. And I drink tea. A lot of tea.


Veggie Pancakes?


Not At All What I Expected