Can you spot me on my desk?

This is a picture of my desk that I took this afternoon.
I love that this picture encorporates so many facets of my life at once:
Thanks to my businesses, composing, and crafts, all of which utilize the computer and/or internet, I spend many hours in my week sitting in this black chair. We originally purchased this from Ikea with gift certificates we got as wedding gifts from my extended family (thanks, everyone!) My back has been grateful every day since then. ("Captain's-on-the-bridge" me.)
Notice how the desk is mostly organized, with little unorganized bits hanging about. This was in the middle of a project, but normally at night the area in front of my monitor is bare. However, stuffed behind the monitor are manuals to be organized, sticky notes of things to do, business cards and contact info to be entered, and a box of Kleenex Scotties facial tissues. ("Mostly organized" me.)
Next to the scanner are bills to be paid or filed, and some hand-made cards to be scanned for posterity's sake. ("Scrapbooker" me.)
A mini mixing board that I purchased several years ago when I sold my piano perches atop the scanner, hinting at the fact that I might actually do some recording someday. The books are all either reference books for music, notebooks for writing song ideas in, manuals for my mixer and composing program, or inspiration-books for song ideas, such as "Chicken Soup". ("Composer" me.)
There is a haphazard pile of receipts waiting to be organized by the lamp. It has been sitting there for three months. ("Procrastinating" me.)
The ball of yarn is for a knitting project I intend to get to "soon"--some slippers that I saw on the internet, and I think I got the pattern figured out for. They wanted to sell me a kit, just to get the pattern! Hah! I haven't even done a sock, but I think I've got this one nailed! (I guess we'll find out when I start making it!) - ("Knitter" me. And also "foolish" me.)
The fax machine holds two invoices from my supplier, which need to be entered into the books and filed. The binder beside the scanner holds pricelists and product info for my eBay business. ("Business woman" me.)
The open book is a songbook, out of which I was arranging a Christmas song for my beginner-level students to play, since the Christmas music I had ordered is still on back-order. (Apparently, the supplier sent most of it to me today. Finally.) - ("Teacher" me.)
The pile at the far left is a bunch of paperwork for Winters Distributing that needs to be entered into the books, sitting atop the boxes for the accounting program that is supposed to make my books so much easier--if only I would ever take the time to figure it out! ("Too-busy-to-keep-up-with-everything" me.)
On the bulletin board and here and there around the desk are notes and cards and photos of and from friends and family--reminders of the special people in my life. ("No-woman-is-an-island" me.)
In front of the box is a toy. Also, my computer desktop wallpaper is usually a semi-recent photo of my kids. ("Mommy" me.)
Out of sight of the camera (behind the ball of yarn) is a photo of Jason and me taken Christmas 2001, and mixed in with the bills is the letter he wrote to me on my birthday, so I can be reminded of him and his love for me throughout the day. ("To-love-and-be-loved" me.)
Last, but not least, is the empty mug 0f newly-finished chai tea. ("Taking-time-out-for-me" me.)
This post was in response to a suggestion from Nairobi Paul.