What Are You Known For?
This photo I took last week on my way down to Calgary for a writer's conference inspired some thoughts on being our best selves today. I posted it to Instagram, but I wanted to record it here for posterity.
I love the colours!
This building is one of the "famous" landmarks one sees on the highway between Valleyview and Peace River. It is probably one of the most photographed buildings in the region. There is just something so beautiful and iconic about a brilliant red-and-white Canadian flag located between golden fields and brilliant blue skies. Not only are the colours stunning, but the symbolism is gorgeous, too.
We are a land known the world over for our peacekeeping role. That doesn't mean we don't have violence in our country's past, because we certainly do, and we are not proud of it. But most Canadians are VERY proud that the world sees us as nice, open, welcoming people who would rather smooth a situation over than antagonize it.
Well, those qualities may define us as a culture, but there are certainly individuals who fall far short of that ideal. Because really, we are all still people, and we are all on our own journey. And frankly, there are times that even the best of us would rather just stay in our protected little bubble and tell the rest of the world to deal with their own problems, for crying out loud, just leave us alone.
But that doesn't mean we have to be like that all the time. Or even most of it.
When people think of me (not just my country, but me as an individual), I want them to think of someone loving and open, who will accept them with all their virtues and flaws as a complete package, and love them as they are. I want them to see me as someone they can turn to when they need a listening ear, who will not just let them destructively vent but who will encourage them to see the best in those around them, too, and look for solutions to their problems. Who will help them heal instead of let them stagnate.
Honestly, this is more because of my faith than my country's values, but my history as a Canadian plays a role.
When you think of where you are in life, what do you want to be known for? And do you think you already are?
May you choose to be the person you wish you were today. May you be your best self--both for other's sake, and for your own.
Be fabulous. Be you.