S1E11: What Editors Wish Authors Knew about Working with Editors
In this episode, I talk about completing the first draft of my manuscript, what I'm going to do next, and my thoughts as a writer and editor about what editors wish writers knew about working with them.
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Mentioned in this episode:
The Story of St. Patrick (VeggieTales)
Newsletter Ninja 2 by Tammi Labrecque*
Blog tour for The Undine's Tear
Sell More Books Show Episode 418: Mastering Deadlines, Creativity, and That Kickstarter
Kobo Writing Life Podcast Episode #286: Writing Female Friendships with Anat Deracine
Six Figure Authors Episode 123: Dealing With Criticism as an Author
Save the Cat Writes a Novel by Jessica Brody*
Mug Quote of the Week:
How to fly:
Throw yourself at the ground.
Inspired by the following quote by Douglas Adams from Life, the Universe, and Everything:
““The Guide says there is an art to flying,” said Ford, “or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.””
Question of the Week:
Was there a time you disagreed with an editors' recommendation, and are you glad you did?
Original music by Josh Rickard, www.joshrickardmusic.com.