The Author Alchemist
Transform your words into gold.
The Unbreakable Promise: Hooking Readers through Expectations
In this first post in the “Strong Beginnings” series, we’ll explore the promises made in a compelling first act that engross your reader so completely they don’t stop reading until they get all the way to the satisfying conclusion of your story.
Introducing The Flexible Writer’s Blueprint Book
A brief introduction to my upcoming book for writers, The Flexible Writer's Blueprint: How to Structure Your Novel for Plotters, Pantsers, and Everyone In Between and how you can get early access and get your questions answered now.
Make It Count: Weed Out Crutch Words for Stronger Fiction Writing
Crutch words are filler words that, if they were removed, wouldn’t affect the meaning of a sentence at all—and might actually improve it. Learn to spot common culprits in this post.