The Author Alchemist
Transform your words into gold.
Troubleshooting Plot Problems with the Log Line
An appropriately-crafted log line may not be a magic wand to fix plot problems, but it comes close. Check out these three common causes for “project flame-out” to help you fix your story.
Your Story in a Single Sentence Part 2: The Elevator Pitch
As an author, you will be in multiple situations where you have the opportunity to get someone interested in your book in a very short window of time. That’s when you need an Elevator Pitch. Here’s how to make one.
Your Story in a Single Sentence Part 1: The Log Line
Creating a log line before you begin drafting (or even after!) lets you see whether you have a story that will carry a novel or help you flesh out an idea into something that will. Use this simple plot structure device to make sure you have a story worth telling.