Winters’ Day In
Time to spill the tea. Wanna cuppa?
Jessica Renwick: Writing a New Ending
From a decade-long abusive marriage to an award-winning author in a life she loves, Jessica Renwick shares her journey to health, healing, and authenticity in this moving installment in the “Inspirational People” feature.
In Which this Multi-Stream Creative Wrestles with a Career Shift
I’m reassessing my career options again. This might be the hardest decision yet.
Brandy Ackerley on Fictionalizing Japanese Kitsune Folklore and an Epic Cover Reveal
A cool new epic fantasy cover from a new trilogy by Canadian author L.R. Knight, and an author interview with Brandy Ackerley about her Japanese folklore-inspired Kitsune-Ken series.
What's Supernatural and Read All Over?
A very cool multi-author book promo for speculative fiction lovers, plus a brief personal update.
Beneath the Surface and the Amazing Suzy Vadori
Exciting news about The Waterboy going into audio, and an interview with Canadian author Suzy Vadori about her new young adult novel, Wall of Wishes.
The Only Way Forward is Through
I'm seeing a lot of my white peers at a loss right now, unsure how to respond to recent events. And I get it. But here is my response: get informed. And don't put the burden of teaching you how not to be racist on your loved ones of colour.
Jessica Renwick on her new book, a Cover Reveal, and an Important Anniversary
Cover reveal for a new epic fantasy by Brandy Ackerley, an author interview with Jessica Renwick about her new middle grade fantasy, and a special milestone for me—my twentieth anniversary!
Keep Calm and Be Like the Doctor
“We’re all stories in the end. Make it a good one.” - the 11th Doctor
A repost from my newsletter with some inspiration from Doctor Who about the times we’re in and how to win the war.
Three New Fantasy Books from Canadian Authors to Check Out
Check out these imaginative new titles from authors Suzy Vadori, Jessica Renwick, and Joshua Pantalleresco. Also, a little behind-the-scenes interview with Joshua about this upcoming release, Cloud Diver.
Hair, shoulder pads, and nukes.
Another personal update written to the company of Doctor Who. In general this new is becoming normal. Plus a strange thing to be thankful for right now.
Can Someone Stop the World? I'd Like to Get Off.
Personal update about the current pandemic, The Sphinx’s Heart (it’s two books now!), our new dog, and more.
Knitting Book Review: Socks from the Toe Up by Wendy D. Johnson
Lovely photography and a variety of options in a clean, minimalist design as fresh as new snow.
LYS Spotlight: Quintessential Knits in Duvall, WA, USA
A riot of colour, knitwear eye candy, and touchable texture reigns in this small town Local Yarn Store.
Take Another Step
You are only one step away from being one step closer to your goal. Take another step today.
Covering Books and Life in General
New book covers, wider distribution for my titles, plus my very eventful/uneventful start to the year.