Winters’ Day In

Conversations on life, faith, stories, and creativity from author Talena Winters.

Pour a cuppa and stay awhile.

Time Goes By
Grief, Personal Update Talena Winters Grief, Personal Update Talena Winters

Time Goes By

In a way, every day, every moment sine June 3, 2015 has been a "first" in this first year since I went from being merely a parent of four boys or an adoptive parent to a bereaved parent. Every day, there are things that trigger my tears. Some of them are quite small and seemingly insignificant--but even something that might seem small to others can leave my heart weighed down by stones too heavy to lift for most of the day.

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If I'm Going to Save the World Today, Maybe I Should Put On Some Pants
Grief, Personal Update, Essays & Reflections Talena Winters Grief, Personal Update, Essays & Reflections Talena Winters

If I'm Going to Save the World Today, Maybe I Should Put On Some Pants

When everything extraneous has been stripped from your life by a loss, and you are left naked and broken, sometimes just getting your pants on in the morning is a big deal. But you look for those moments that you see progress, too. Moving forward, whether in small steps, or giant leaps--in the end, that's the only thing I can really ask of myself.

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What I Wish I Could Tell You
Personal Update, Essays & Reflections Talena Winters Personal Update, Essays & Reflections Talena Winters

What I Wish I Could Tell You

Dear Levi...

I can't tell you how many things this year I wish you could have done with us,  or the things I wanted to show you. I can't tell you how many times I wanted to hold you close or hear your laugh. I can't tell you how broken I feel without you here.

I learned so much from being your mama. And by God's grace, I am learning still,

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Endings and Beginnings

Endings and Beginnings

As a reader, I always thought that the ending was the goal. And it is. But it never occurred to me that it was the well-written middle that actually got me there as inevitably as a cart on a roller coaster track.

If only life had someone writing me out of my "swampy middles."

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Personal Update Talena Winters Personal Update Talena Winters


As predicted in my last post, the last couple of weeks have been pretty hard in the grieving department. There have been pretty bad days. And some okay days.

Today is one of those days when I want to do something, but I can't. Or maybe I am doing something. I'm not sure. But I feel like if I actually did something, then I would stop feeling so sad and angry and scared.

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