Winters’ Day In
Conversations on life, faith, stories, and creativity from author Talena Winters.
Pour a cuppa and stay awhile.

We Contain Multitudes
Thoughts on using winter as a time of rest, healing, and retreat from the pressures of modern life.

Five Years
The question “do I want to be doing this five years from now?” is a very helpful rubric for deciding on how to spend our time now. I get to choose the path I take. So why do I make it so hard?

Morning Lite: My New Productivity Plan
Part of my Slow Productivity switch has been changing my morning routine. I’m only a few days in, but it seems to be working so far…

A Conversation with Myself: Wherein I Give Myself a Solid Smack
I work alone, people. And usually, I love it. But on days like today, when all I wanna do is drink tea and read books, this is what conversations around my office sound like...

Drawing the Line: 5 Loving Reasons to Say “No”
Saying "no" to trying to control things which are impossible to control anyways means saying "yes" to peace, tranquility, and more time and energy doing things I love with people I love to be with.