Winters’ Day In

Conversations on life, faith, stories, and creativity from author Talena Winters.

Pour a cuppa and stay awhile.

Getting Unstuck
Grief, Personal Update Talena Winters Grief, Personal Update Talena Winters

Getting Unstuck

A day at a time, the log jam is loosening and the ideas are flowing. The sun is coming back, energy is returning, and I am pulling myself blinking from the retreat of hibernation. For my own mental and emotional health, this year needs to be less about driving myself and more about reducing commitments, taking care of myself, and finding my passion again. It needs to be about healing.

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Personal Update Talena Winters Personal Update Talena Winters


As predicted in my last post, the last couple of weeks have been pretty hard in the grieving department. There have been pretty bad days. And some okay days.

Today is one of those days when I want to do something, but I can't. Or maybe I am doing something. I'm not sure. But I feel like if I actually did something, then I would stop feeling so sad and angry and scared.

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