Winters’ Day In
Time to spill the tea. Wanna cuppa?
Rhonda Parrish: Thriving with her Tribe
Author, editor, and hydra-tamer Rhonda Parrish has made a life doing what she loves best—writing and helping others. Her deep-seated passion for creating community grew from surprising roots. Rhonda has been a positive influence for many aspiring and established writers. Read this post to find out how she forged a path to get to where she is now.
Mark Leslie Lefebvre Finds His Voice
Author, speaker, bookseller, and publishing industry expert Mark Leslie Lefebvre on overcoming personal fears to fulfill his passion—telling stories and helping other authors be successful.
Melissa Keaster: Writing from the Ashes
"The Enemy came to steal, kill, and destroy my passion, but God flipped the switch on the devil’s own scheme. The thing that was meant to keep me down helped me to focus on the essentials." Read more of Melissa's amazing story in today's blog post.
Photo Friday: Become Vulnerable
By opening up your heart and showing others your weaknesses as well as your strengths, you become more of who you are, and give others permission to do the same. Isn't that the most loving thing to do?
Photo Friday: Become Patient
Patience is what happens when we are presented with opportunity. Because no opportunity worth having ever comes easily.
After the Storm (Photo Friday: Become a Gift)
I know that sunflowers think their job is to propagate their species by creating seeds. But today? It was to teach me that even when we've been hammered by life, and everything seems wretched, and we are broken all over the ground, we can still be beautiful.