Winters’ Day In
Conversations on life, faith, stories, and creativity from author Talena Winters.
Pour a cuppa and stay awhile.

Five Years
The question “do I want to be doing this five years from now?” is a very helpful rubric for deciding on how to spend our time now. I get to choose the path I take. So why do I make it so hard?

Following Joy
I’m slowing down on even more things… including how I market my business. And you know what? I like it.

Peaks and Valleys
When the blahs happen two weeks a month, it’s not just depression… Also, update on my slow productivity mission, what I did this week in my business (hint: knitting pattern update), and some sad news about my grandmother.

Searching for Rainbows
This week’s coffee chat update, including my not-quite-writer’s-block woes and my adventures on TikTok.

Real Talk: What the EHT Black Hole and My Fiction Career Have in Common
The Indie Publishing process, and the unique struggles that is posing at my current career phase. I need your help to make this thing work.