Winters’ Day In
Conversations on life, faith, stories, and creativity from author Talena Winters.
Pour a cuppa and stay awhile.

Through the Fire
We’re in the worst wildfire season in Alberta’s history, but there’s a lot of other life stuff happening too. Thankfully, most of it’s good.

What I Decided
While looking for a way to make my writing business sustainable, I discovered that the answer was in front of me all the time. Life is good.

Insanely Optimistic
Some days, writing fiction for a living feels like walking through sludge in a mudstorm. I'm going to be honest—I spend a little bit of every day wondering if I'm actually going to be able to pull this off. But no risk, no reward. Right?

Hey! I've been published! ...Sort of.
Someone shared my scrapbook layout, and that’s pretty cool.