Winters’ Day In
Conversations on life, faith, stories, and creativity from author Talena Winters.
Pour a cuppa and stay awhile.

Stories and Embers
My energy’s low, so instead of pondering life like I usually do, here’s a little round-up of some of my recent projects you might be interested in.

Jessica Renwick: Writing a New Ending
From a decade-long abusive marriage to an award-winning author in a life she loves, Jessica Renwick shares her journey to health, healing, and authenticity in this moving installment in the “Inspirational People” feature.

Jessica Renwick on her new book, a Cover Reveal, and an Important Anniversary
Cover reveal for a new epic fantasy by Brandy Ackerley, an author interview with Jessica Renwick about her new middle grade fantasy, and a special milestone for me—my twentieth anniversary!

Three New Fantasy Books from Canadian Authors to Check Out
Check out these imaginative new titles from authors Suzy Vadori, Jessica Renwick, and Joshua Pantalleresco. Also, a little behind-the-scenes interview with Joshua about this upcoming release, Cloud Diver.

Just Roll With It
The full story of my tour through the ditch, plus a few other quick updates on the state of things around here.

7 Favourite Fall Things
Sweaters on Pinterest and other knitting geekery, books, writing, simple comforts, and other joys of autumn. Here’s what’s been inspiring me.