Winters’ Day In
Conversations on life, faith, stories, and creativity from author Talena Winters.
Pour a cuppa and stay awhile.

The Secret to Being More Human
How reading lots of different kinds of books can make us better humans and better as a culture and race. Plus a new short story.

Living Without Regrets
The new Apple TV thriller series Dark Matter and a recent blog-organization project have me thinking deep (and grateful) thoughts about the roads not taken… and the one I did.

Very Slowly, and then All At Once
I now have an empty nest. Plus, news about my upcoming book launch for Every Bell that Rings and how to get your hands on a review copy.

Couples to “ship” for Valentines Day
A fun introduction to the couples in my books, plus a print book clearance sale just in time for Valentine’s Day!

Stories and Embers
My energy’s low, so instead of pondering life like I usually do, here’s a little round-up of some of my recent projects you might be interested in.

No, I'm Not Dead
The Sphinx’s Heart coming November 16, new print covers for Finding Heaven now available, and an update on my crazy life for the last several months.

Covering Books and Life in General
New book covers, wider distribution for my titles, plus my very eventful/uneventful start to the year.

Just Roll With It
The full story of my tour through the ditch, plus a few other quick updates on the state of things around here.

Author Interview: About Me and "Finding Heaven"
On Sunday afternoon, I had the privilege of being interviewed on Facebook by author Joy Norstrom, one of the authors with whom I am co-hosting the Inspiring Women event at Audreys Books in Edmonton on Thursday. (The other is P.D. Workman.) For posterity's sake, and in case you missed it, I am copying the interview here.

7 Things: The Busy Writer’s Edition
Obligatory blog update. Mostly about writing. But also with a motivational Facebook Live video and guest post mention, in case you missed it. ;-)

The Story of the Book Launch Event
I hosted the book launch for Finding Heaven on November 16 at my local library, two days after the book was released. It was a great event. Here are some photos to prove it.

Finding Heaven: A Story That Matters
Two years ago, when I began this journey, I was terrified. I was newly grieving. I didn't know why this was the story God gave me to write, but I did know that it was the one I was supposed to write. Here are some early reviews that confirmed that to me.

7 Moments: What's Been Keeping Me Busy
A photo essay of what's been filling up my blog silence.

Behind-the-Scenes of "Finding Heaven"
I think all great stories probably begin with a question that the author has to answer for themselves. Thus it was that, in 2012 while I was learning how to create a career as a writer, I also got the seed idea that eventually bloomed into Finding Heaven.

7 Things I'm Grateful For
Wow, so much has happened last week/will be happening this week that I'm going to be posting a couple times this week. For today, because it's Monday, because it's been a while, and because I'm much better at posting these moments on Instagram and Facebook than keeping my blog updated, here's a 7 Things summary of what's been going on.