Hugs for His Feet

I finished Noah's socks last Tuesday. They were much quicker than Jabin's, as I used a larger yarn and needle size.

Okay, "much" might be pushing it. It took two weeks to make Jabin's socks. It only took 11 days to make Noah's.

Striped orange socks on feet

Noah’s feet modelling his new striped orange socks.

That night, when he got home from school, I told him that his socks were done.

"Can I try them?" he asked excitedly.

"You betcha!"

He put them on immediately. "They fit me!" he exclaimed. "I love them!"

Thursday night, I insisted that he must take them off at last and put them in the laundry.

Same socks, messier background

Same socks, messier background.

I'm not sure what his reasons are—whether because it was a gift made just for him, or that he really just loves the woolly warmth of the socks (or maybe the colourful stripes?)—but I am glad he likes them so much.

After all, since I pour love into every stitch, it's like making hugs for his feet.

(Note: I eventually turned my sock-making method into the Just Plain Socks pattern. Get the Just Plain Socks knitting pattern on




Cupfins? Muffcakes? I dunno... Delicious!