
Usually, I try to do an interview-type post with each kid on their birthday, but I missed all three this year, I think! So, here is the way the world looks to my kids right now:


What is your favourite food?: Ice cream
What is your favourite activity?: Play toys.
What is your least favourite activity?: Cleaning up. (Mommy thinks it's taking a nap.)
What is your favourite movie?: Enchanted
Who is your favourite superhero?: Batman
What is your favourite colour?: Pink
What's your least favourite colour?:White
Who is your best friend?: Jude and Noah
What's your favourite book?: I don't know.
What's your favourite animal?: Lion
What's your favourite game?: MarioKart [Wii] and Mario Party [8]
If you could go anywhere, where would you go?: To Tim Horton's
If you could have any toy, what would you have?: My favourite toy is Winnie-Pooh
Do you like snow?: Yeah.
Why?: Because I want to walk in it.
What do you want to be when you grow up?: Batman!


What is your favourite superhero?: Superman
What is your favourite food?: Pancakes and hot cereal
What is your least favourite food?: Mushrooms and pickles and tomatoes
What is your favourite movie?: All Dogs Go To Heaven and 3-2-1 Penguins
What is your favourite activity?: Play Wii.
What is your favourite game?: Stuart Little II & Bob the Builder (computer games), MarioKart Wii
What is your favourite book?: Bobcats & Lynx; The Cat In The Hat
Who is your best friend?: Quinton and Emily
What's your favourite animal?: Lion
What's your favourite thing to dress up as?: Lion costume [Still! After two years!]
Do you like kindergarten?: No. I love home school.
Why not?: Because I'm too old. I'm not going to be five, I'm going to be six, now. [In three more months!]
What is your favourite colour?: Green.
If you could go anywhere, where would you go?: Quinton's house. Quinton's house is good.
What is your favourite toy?: Donkey Kong monster truck.
What do you want to be when you grow up?: I just want to go to work just like my dad.


What is your favourite food?: Cake and waffles and pie [after much deliberation]
What is your least favourite food?: tomatoes and pickles
What is your favourite colour?: orange
What is your least favourite colour?: purple
What is your favourite subject in school?: Crafts and Spelling
What is your least favourite subject?: Phonics
What is your favourite activity?: Play with my friends; swimming and drawing.
What is your least favourite activity?: I don't have one... I can't think of one. My best guess is being alone. ("Why, Jude?" asks Jabin. No response.)
What is your favourite animal?: Cheetah
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?: To my friends' house.
Who is your favourite superhero?: Spiderman
What's your favourite movie?: Transformers
Who is your best friend?: Dawson
What's your favourite book?: There are so many books, I can't even think of one. (sigh) I don't have one, then. I have a whole bunch of favourite books.
I know that feeling, Jude. Can you tell me a few of them that you like?: Stuart Little; Dragon Rider; my dragon books [Dragonology; How to Raise and Keep a Dragon]; Sonic comics.
What would you like to do when you grow up?: Be a cowboy. ("Really? You're back to cowboy?" "Well, is there anything you can do on the water?" he asks. "Oh, yeah!"... and I list a half-dozen or so professions. After some thought, he decides he wants to be "a soldier in the air." Two days later, when I am finally getting Noah's section done, he decides he wants to be a Navy officer on a submarine!)
Talena Winters

I make magic with words. And I drink tea. A lot of tea.


Knittin' On

