Because I Didn't Have Enough To Do With My Time

Today was Noah's first day of school.

Before you start throwing quizzical looks at me, let me explain.

Remember when I said that Noah would soon be getting some help with his speech? Today was his first day being left with the aide. He has "school" Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons from 1-3--Mondays and Fridays I have to take him to the school and pick him up, but Wednesday the aide will come to our house. I figured it would be just a little more insanity than I could handle to have to work out a Wednesday schedule like that when I also have 1-2 baby girls' naps to work around. (I babysit Tues-Thurs, remember?)

This last Friday, I took him in to see the speech pathologist and the aide so they could meet, and the S.P. could do an informal assessment to see where we're starting from--it has been at least three months since he was last assessed, after all. On the way to the school, Noah says "My turn go cool!" by which, of course, he meant "School is cool, so don't do drugs..." Wait a second. No, he just can't do compound consonants with "s" on the front yet. That morning, we had our first dusting of snow on the grass when we woke up, but by the afternoon it was gone everywhere the sun had landed. It took me a few tries to understand that he was asking "Where's the snow?" when he said "Wheah no?"

Anyway, he was pretty excited to go today, and the aide, Mrs. Soucy, said that the only tantrum he threw was when he found out it was time to go home! So I guess he liked it.

In reality, there are many similarities between what Noah is doing and what Jude is doing. They are using the classroom for the rural kindergarten students, which only come in on Tuesdays and Thursdays (and the fourth Friday of every month) for the full day. Sure, he's the only student. But he still gets to play with all the same stuff, have recess with the kindergarten students (the afternoon town program), have a snack, and do focused learning activities for the rest of the time. And! He gets a backpack.

Thankfully, he has become increasingly better at getting to the potty over the last few days. I hope the trend continues--he now stays dry 90% of the time, instead of the 10% it was only a few weeks ago. For now, though, he still gets to go to "school" in a Pull-Up!

Tell ya one thing--Mondays and Fridays could be a little hairy around our place for the next few months or so!

Kids and snow--an irresistible attraction!

First day of School photo.

"Hurry up, Mom! This back pack is heavy!"

Jabin wanted a back pack, just like his big brothers, so I pulled this one out of the toy chest. Here he is, proudly wearing it while using the potty.
Talena Winters

I make magic with words. And I drink tea. A lot of tea.


Musical Fruit—Reprise


Veggie Pancakes?