More bad news on Soy
I started this post three days ago, leaving it open on my computer. I just wanted to give you the "heads-up" that the negative effects of soy are becoming more well-known. Apparently, the Cancer Council of New South Wales recently started advising breast cancer patients and survivors to start avoiding soy altogether. Here is an excerpt from the article:
Australian cancer organization warns breast cancer patients to avoid soy: "Previous research has indicated that phytoestrogens found in soybean products can mimic the hormone estrogen in the body, which could possibly promote growth of hormone-affected cancers with long-term exposure."
Soy products can, indeed, be healthful for you, if you eat traditionally-fermented varietels, such as miso, tempeh, and traditionally-brewed soy or tamari sauce. But even those cultures who use soy as a staple only consume these items in moderate amounts at every meal, more as a condiment than the main course. (The fermentation process negates the negative effects that the phytoestrogens and phytates found in the soy would have.)
The best, most rounded source of protein, and the only source that contains all the necessary amino acids we require is meat (and other animal products).
What Can the Diet of Gorillas Tell Us About a Healthy Diet for Humans?: "For normal growth and sound health throughout life, the human species requires eight amino acids which their bodies cannot manufacture, vitamin B12 and some essential minerals. The only viable source of these amino acids and of vitamin B12 is animal protein such as red meat, fish, shell fish, eggs, milk, insects and worms. The lack of these amino acids results in serious illnesses. For example, kwashiorkor is a deficiency disease which impedes the normal development of vital brain cells and stunts growth. People may be getting all they need to eat to satisfy their hunger from grains and other plant foods. They may even become plump on a diet of grains, but their normal growth and development is stunted. For instance, some Maya Indian peasant groups of Guatemala primarily have only corn, beans and squash to eat. They like meat, but are too poor to purchase meats or raise animals. Feeding domesticated animals would sacrifice land needed to grow the grains on which they subsist. This condition is common over much of the world."
For more information about the dangers of soy, click here.
For more information about the benefits of eating meat (and the fat that accompanies it), please see this page.
I'll get a more personal post up later on this weekend! Hope you are having a happy Saturday!