Healing Food and Herbs reference page

As I have made the switch from traditional drugs and presriptions to natural remedies, nutrition, and herbs, I have often been frustrated in trying to find reliable information--not to mention accessible information--about what I should be doing to help specific medical conditions. So, when the e-mail from Newstarget arrived in my mailbox yesterday, announcing the launch of their new website resource, I was completely thrilled. This is exactly what I've been looking for!

They have compiled information from 14 books and natural medicine encyclopedias, with plans to expand it to include 25 books. Over one hundred medical conditions are already covered. Check it out at https://www.HealingFoodReference.com.

I was impressed with the extensiveness of what is already covered on there. I'm sure it will become one of my most-visited bookmarked pages.

Talena Winters

I make magic with words. And I drink tea. A lot of tea.


Enough Love to Go Around


Drink up, me hearties, Yo Ho!