What’s in a blog?

Well, I am finally joining the ranks of those who post their thoughts, ideas and activities on the ethereal World Wide Web. Is this in some vain hope that someone out there might be interested? Perhaps. But there's more.

I have always been fascinated with documentation and history. I also have a lousy memory, and lose more and more of those memory-retaining cells with the birth of each successive child, it seems. I love words. Once upon a time, I faithfully kept a journal, using real paper and ink. This is a time-consuming habit that has long gone by the wayside. However, I often find myself writing journal entries in my head throughout the day--thinking what a great read that would be in a few years, if only I actually ever had the time to write it down. Of course, if I ever DO have the chance to sit down, all the clever lines and funny anecdotes I wanted to record have long since flown from the windy vault of my mind.

At long last, perhaps this, ah this, will work. Maybe if I make it my homepage, so I cannot forget about it. Maybe...

If anyone else finds entertainment from the reading thereof, that is a bonus. I admit my desire to begin a blog is almost purely selfish--so looking back at my life in a few years, there isn't this long stretch of blurred history where all I can remember are vague impressions of millions of diaper changes blended with getting up in the night for months at a time, controlling 3-year-old temper tantrums in the grocery store, and calling the loo a "potty" and nothing else.

Perhaps I'll actually REMEMBER all those cute things my kids did.

Perhaps someone else will read this and realize they are not alone!

Then I will look back and laugh at this first blog, when I was trying to type and breastfeed at the same time. (This looks awkward, and believe me, it's not as easy as it looks!)

I am looking forward to Jason's return this evening from his two-day training session in GP. He began his new job at Micro Computer Plus yesterday, and I think he is excited/scared about the change in field. Happy to be using his training, but feeling a little out of the loop from long disuse of some of those skills.

Jude has been asking to see him since yesterday morning (he left on Sunday evening).

Speaking of Jude, it is nice to see how he is maturing. We are working with him more trying to get him to say his words more clearly. Every day he speaks a little better, but I think both he and the other kids he plays with are a little frustrated at times with his inability to communicate. Even when he plays with Noah, I think there would be less conflict between them if he could make himself understood.

I cannot WAIT until Noah starts using words. He does try to make them occasionally, but there is nothing that even we can recognize yet, except when he is trying to copy something we have just said. I'm not sure if it's a good or bad thing that most of the time he doesn't feel the need to tell us anything, anyway.

Jabin has become quite the little porker. I had hoped he would be going longer at night between feedings, but he still usually only makes it from 9 p.m. until about 3 a.m., then eats again at 6:30-ish. I guess his metabolism must be closer to Jude's than Noah's, because that's how Jude's pattern went. Noah was sleeping 10-12 hours straight through by three months, which Jabin is only 2 weeks away from!

While Jason has been away, I have managed to do a little bit of everything, and accomplished nothing, really. I got part of a wall painted in my kitchen. I got 1 1/2 scrapbook layouts done. I almost finished LAST week's laundry, so I can finally get started on THIS week's! The never-ending cycle.

What did women do a hundred years ago when they did their dishes and clothes by hand? How did they ever manage to have free time when they had to make clothes for their entire family? I imagine "free time" was a concept unknown to them.

Well, apparently Jude needs me to go protect him from the "sharp tooth" in the Land Before Time movie he's seen dozens of times already. A mother's work is never done. Perhaps I should enjoy these interruptions more--soon enough he may have little need for me at all.



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