Sugar, No Spice, and Everything Nice
This is supposed to be my Friday morning coffee chat, but honestly, I’m done coffee, my stomach is picketing for breakfast, and I might need to make it my Friday afternoon tea chat this week, lol.
It’s been a productive week around here, all things considered. “Things” being the short-lived heat wave Alberta had this week. Today is the first reasonable forecast we’ve had since Sunday, and I’m grateful to be back in the optimal operating temperature for my brain.
Because, you know, my brain is kind of important in my job, lol.
Let’s see how many times I can lol in this post, shall we? It’ll be like having an actual conversation with me, because boy, do I laugh a lot.
Hagrid hanging out with me and my tea while I work…
I’m happy to report that I finally made progress on my new book draft this week. Though plotting a Christmas novel in a heat wave was a bit interesting, I have to say.
The solution to my writer’s block from last week was partly a matter of remembering that in an enemies-to-lovers romance, they actually have to not get along for at least the first half of the book. (Like, duh, right? We writers are super-smart sometimes.)
The first act is really solid, and I’ve got some of the highlights for the rest of the book, I’m still just moving the pieces around and filling out the details there. But the first part is usually the most important for me. That, and knowing the Black Moment. Once I have that, it’s just a matter of noodling things around in my brain to make all the pieces fit and add colour and texture.
But, since I’m very behind on this, I’m going to be shooting to finish the first draft in only five weeks, starting next Tuesday. Since my first-draft goal is 60,000 words, that’s only 12,500 words per week, or 1,000 words per scheduled writing hour. This is very doable for me… assuming I actually have my butt in the chair for all those writing hours and don’t have to bump some, because life.
And assuming I don’t get stuck on anything. Arg.
Let’s hope I don’t get stuck.
After breakfast…
Alright, I couldn’t wait. I’m back after eating breakfast (I do intermittent fasting, so that was a little early for me) and I now have a tea on my desk. Last night’s supper of fruit smoothies was awesome for a heat wave, but didn’t stick to the ribs as long as normal.
So… we finished Stranger Things Season 4 last weekend, as planned. Loved it. The show keeps getting better. I’m a little in awe of some of the writing, and how they pulled everything off. Looking forward to Season 5 already.
And… we are now less than two weeks from the release of my first sweet, clean small town romance Every Star that Shines. WOOT!
This week, I hired my oldest son, Jude, to make some character art of the leading man. Here’s his version of Caleb:
Caleb from Every Star that Shines, drawn by Jude Winters.
I love it! One of my projects today is to turn this into swag for my readers, and I’m super excited.
Who wants a Caleb bookmark or signed book plate?
There’s always lots to do for a book launch, but since I’m launching a new series in a new genre for me, this one has felt extra intense. But it’s also been fun. I’ve been trying new things (TikTok), learning how to do some other things better, and getting to play with types of marketing that work well in romance but less well in fantasy.
And I’ve been learning a ton, which is always fun.
Anyway, I better get back to work. I’ve got to do writing and client editing and marketing, oh my!
Happy Friday, friend. How was your week?
(By the time I got to posting this, it was nearly supper. Jeepers. Better late than never? Have a great weekend!)
Happy Friday, friend!
P.S. While working on some promo stuff today, I found a great excerpt from Every Star that Shines that I want to share. Check it out:
“Look. First star of the night…”
Caleb pointed out the living room picture window and helped Delanie to her feet, pulling her to come stand next to him. “Make a wish.”
Delanie gave him a long, uncertain look, then glanced at the pinpoint of white light before closing her eyes for several long seconds. He stared at her, drinking in her presence, knowing she couldn’t feel uncomfortable about his gaze if she couldn’t see it.
Her eyes fluttered open, and she blushed. “Were you looking at me the whole time?”
His face warmed. “Maybe,” he mumbled.
“Didn’t you make a wish?”
He shook his head. “I don’t need to. My wish is standing right here.”
He pulled her into him and enveloped her in his arms. She stiffened, then relaxed and wrapped her arms around his waist, leaning into his chest.
“I have a confession to make,” he said. “I never got over you. Not for a single second.”
After a pause, she said, “A wish isn’t enough to overcome all the obstacles between us.”
“No. But it’s enough to make me believe we could. This time, I have no intention of letting you go anywhere without me. Whatever happens, I want to give us a fair shot.”
If you haven’t already, please go check it out and pre-order. Thanks!