The Undine's Tear on tour!

I’ve got some very exciting book news in this post about both of my current series, starting with the upcoming blog tour for The Undine’s Tear (Rise of the Grigori Book 1).

What’s a blog tour? Well, it means my book is going to be featured on a bunch of blogs. In this case, thirteen. And it also means, in this case, that there will be a whole bunch of new behind-the-scenes content that I’ll be creating for these blogs to post.

Kind of like the special features on a DVD (remember DVDs?), but it will be hosted in thirteen different places all over the Internet.

Consider this your DVD menu. :-)

So, here’s where to find posts and what dates they’ll be going live. (Hint, it’s always on Wednesday, starting next week.) And be sure to scroll to the bottom to hear about the prizes.

Yep, you heard me. :-)

(Read to the end to get news about my current project.)

March 23:

Lisa Haselton’s Reviews

Behind-the-scenes about the book and a summary of my journey to writing.

March 30:

Viviana MacKade

An introduction to the Rise of the Grigori series.

Long and Short Reviews

Where Mythology & Imagination Meet: The Creation of a “Real-World” Mermaid Fantasy

April 6:

Write. Read. Live. (Cherie Colyer)

A behind-the-scenes of my writing life and reading habits.

Character Madness and Musings (Jen Baxter)

Narcissa, cousin to the protagonists of The Undine’s Tear, gives us the inside scoop about what Calandra is really like.

April 13:

Sybrina’s Book Blog

From seed idea to full-blown fantasy world.

April 20:

Andi’s Young Adult Books

The Story Behind the Title of The Undine’s Tear.

The Faerie Review

A review of the book by blog host Liliyana.

April 27:

All the Ups and Downs

What fantasy world would I like to live in?


A review of the book.

May 4:

Kit ‘n Kabookle

An interview exploring the world of the Rise of the Grigori with some fun questions no one has asked before (including a deep, dark secret Calandra has never told anyone before). Plus a fantastic, fun review.

Westveil Publishing

What If? - A short essay about the experience of creating a fantasy world.

May 11:


A tourism-style listicle of the Top 5 Places to Visit on Sirenia, with one of the characters as the tour guide. Plus a 5-star review!

So, as you can see, it will be an exciting couple of months for folks who love this series. Watch my newsletter and social media channels for reminders of when each review goes live.

And! That’s not all!

Yes, now it’s time to talk about the prizes.

I will be awarding a hardback copy of The Undine's Tear (Rise of the Grigori Book 1) and also The Sphinx's Heart (Rise of the Grigori Book 2) (an approximately $100 CAD value!) to a randomly drawn winner (International Giveaway) via Rafflecopter during the tour! So make sure to stop by these lovely hosts’ blogs, comment, and enter the draw for your chance to win!

And tell your friends, okay?

Undine's Tear tour giveaway promo callout

Psst… in case you’re new here, the prequel novella to this series, The Waterboy, is available for free to newsletter subscribers.

Current WIP News:

Lastly, while I’m updating the blog, I wanted to let you know the progress on my current manuscript, Every Star that Shines.

And, the news is, as of the end of this week, the first draft will be done! It goes to my developmental editor and beta readers on March 28, so I’ll be cramming the revision into the next week and a bit, but it’s already in pretty good shape, so I’m not worried about the short turnaround.

I’m so excited to share this sweet romance story with you. It turned out even better than I thought it would. You’re going to love it. :-) (If you’re the kind of person who likes reading sweet romance, that is. I mean, I guess I shouldn’t just assume.)

I’ll post again soon with an update on this project and, hopefully, an excerpt from the revised draft.

If this is the first you’ve heard of this project, it’s the first book in a new sweet small town romance series set in an analog of my hometown, Peace River. I hope locals will love seeing some familiar scenery and landmarks in these pages, as well as a distinctly Peace Country vibe. But don’t worry—all the people are a hundred percent fictional!

To learn more about the book, go here.

Happy Wednesday, friend! Talk to you again soon!

Talena Winters

I make magic with words. And I drink tea. A lot of tea.


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