A Winter's Day In "Through the Lens"

The holidays around here have been busy in a low-key sort of way. My sister came to visit for a week, so last week was full of eating and visiting and playing games and travelling around.

My grandmother fell and broke her wrist on Thursday night, which sucks, but it meant we (Mom, Katrin, and I) got to spend a couple hours in the hospital with her while they put her arm back together and casted her, which was nice (meaning, it was nice for all four of us to have time together. It wasn't nice at all that Grandma was hurt, though she was in good spirits and feisty as ever.) We had to keep reminding her why her arm hurt and why she was in the hospital, which was a little humourous (You gotta laugh so you don't cry.) And she didn't need surgery, so yay! (Surgery for an 89-year-old? Yikes.)

My husband and kids are still on holidays this week, so I've been trying to spend as much time with them as I can in between working on writing assignments for the next issue of Move Up.

Today, I had a very little writing to do. So it was kind of a look-at-life-through-the-lens sort of day. (And a let's-sort-all-the-kids'-dressers sort of day, but that part was not nearly as fun.)

Here are a few things my camera and I saw.

Kombucha, flavoured, bottled and ready to go.

The mastermind behind this project is the man of the house. (Not me! Yay!) And it tastes great!

Some "just because" roses Jason got me a few days ago. So pretty! The camera makes them last forever.

Jude being artistic. He's on a drawing kick right now. And he's getting pretty good at it.

Jabin playing Halo. That mop top is just the way he likes it.

Noah's been fighting a cold for a few days. Nothing like snuggling on the couch in your pj's when you're sick. (And he was being a little creative, too--while watching Jabin play Halo.)

I recently found this behind the pipe of our wood stove. Apparently, it's been there a while. And it's held together pretty well, considering how much dust it's trapped. :-) Okay, okay--I need to sweep for cobwebs. I know. Yeesh.

The sun was shining, and we are getting a brief reprieve from the deep freeze (it's frequently been around -40 or colder with wind chills and such of late) with a chill in only single digits (Celsius). Tigger's so poofy, he looks grumpy anyway.

Sunshine in the sunshine. She's always up for some attention. :-)

There's been a couple of exciting things happen over the holidays.

For one, I got to share my story on Mary DeMuth's podcast, the Restory Show. It aired on New Year's Day. If you haven't had a chance to check out her site, please pop over there.

And lastly, I have started booking author signings throughout Alberta. My first confirmed dates are January 27 and 28 in Calgary. You can see all upcoming events and locations on my new Events page. I hope to see you soon!

Happy New Year!

Talena Winters

I make magic with words. And I drink tea. A lot of tea.


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