Photo Friday: Knitting is Love
TC ponders whether to "help" with the knitting.
Okay, I admit, I'm cheating a little on this week's photo. I didn't take it, my mom did. On a phone. While we were visiting my sister a year ago.
It's just that I found this really great quote about knitting, and wanted to use it.
“And in the act of making things, just by living their daily lives, they also make history.
Knitting is clothing made in spare moments, or round the fire, whenever women gathered together... It’s something to celebrate-clothes made in love and service, something women have always done.”
Despite all the "photos of knitting" and "knitting tutorial photos" and all kinds of knit-related-item photos I take, I have very, very few photos of me in the actual process of knitting.
I knit a lot. (Try to remember to breathe.) But although I do it because I love it and need something that helps me focus and relax and distracts me at the same time, I also do it because it is a way to show that I love people.
In the photo above, I was making mittens for Levi, which he wore a LOT for the remainder of the winter.
Levi loved his new mitties!
Although I don't make all my family's mittens and hats and scarves, I make most of them--partly because they are warmer and better quality than the ones I can buy here, and partly because my family (especially the kids) like to wear them. Maybe that's because when I hand them a new pair I say, "Here are some hugs for your hands."
And maybe that's why some of the most poignant (to me) mementos of Levi that I have on display are the little hand-knit items he would wear so much all winter long.
One of Levi's favourites. It now hangs in our hallway.
Knitting is a lot of things. And as much as I love it for the challenge and the activity, to me, knitting is more than just a craft--knitting for someone IS love.
Do you have a favourite handicraft or hobby? If so, why do you love it?