His Trucks in a Row
Anyone that knows Levi knows that he LOVES trucks.
Last summer, driving through the dandelions.
Anything with wheels, really.
Last summer, checking out the spare on Papa Stanley's Jeep.
He loves to drive 'em, ride 'em, look at 'em, whatever.
Last June, pushing Jude on his own tricycle. Yes, Levi's idea!
Checking out the new dump truck Papa S. made him.
But he really loves to line them up in massive arrays until they look like the world's largest toy vehicle traffic jam. (I can't seem to find a photo of one of his favourite pastimes this past winter--getting every small car he owns, which number at least 50, and "parking" them like a patchwork quilt on one end of our dining room table.)
Mini "Block Train".
Larger "block train."
Tower 'o' Trucks
Now that spring is here, he has taken his favourite activity back outside.
Last week, on the deck.
(Not that winter slowed him down much, either.)
Last November, before the snow was deep enough to hide all the trucks.
Happy spring, folks!