Goodbye, Washington
Only two days before we needed to head home, we finally started to get our energy back and feel a little more human. We took advantage of that by hitting yarn stores (as mentioned before), but also driving around the area to take in the sights.
One such sight was Snoqualmie Falls. At only a short walk away from the parking area, and very near the highway, it was a low-energy-commitment way to see an amazing natural wonder. The sun did not shine on the falls themselves, but we did find a nice location near the falls to get a few group shots of us (which we had been waiting to take until our noses weren't all chapped from blowing them). Well, we got shots of the adults, anyway--Levi had WAY too much energy to sit still for a photo. Yep, he was pretty much back to normal. :-)
Snoqualmie Falls, Washington. I was having fun with a slow shutter speed on my camera to get a smooth, silky look. This was the slowest I could go before the whole thing went blurry, since I was just hand-holding the camera.
This gorgeous shot had all the effects provided by nature--no post-editing required! This was looking toward the tourist walkway by the river, with all the mist rising from the falls.
Here are a few other shots from the trip that I absolutely love. Apparently, I was quite fascinated with the greenery. I really loved all the interesting textures and the way the light played with the moss and ferns on the trees.
This tree looked so interesting to me, like it was going to start waving its branches around like arms.
I just loved all this lush texture!
Most of the tree shots were taken on a walk we took. Levi pushed his own stroller for almost the entire 2-mile jaunt!
On our way home, we stopped over at the Burdicks' once again, but unfortunately with very little time to visit. However, we were comfy and cozy in their little guest cabin, and got an early start home the next day for the long, final stretch of our journey. (Since the snow had melted, no sand required to exit the driveway this time!)
Besides The Cold (which still lingers), and the yarn we gathered, and the photos, we have memories that are so precious, and will last a lifetime. And even though I still have a great deal on my plate, this break was just what I needed to do a mental "reset" and come home ready to tackle my responsibilities with new zest.
How has your February been so far, friends?