Tired Mommy and Chubby Jabin. Taken 2 weeks ago.

Such kissable cheeks!
I now have an empty nest. Plus, news about my upcoming book launch for Every Bell that Rings and how to get your hands on a review copy.
We’re in the worst wildfire season in Alberta’s history, but there’s a lot of other life stuff happening too. Thankfully, most of it’s good.
After three years, I have finally finished the first adult sweater design I have ever attempted. Yay!
Grief isn’t done with me yet. Not sure it ever will be. Especially if I don’t learn to be still a little more often.
I’ve been busy and trying to do all the things, so it’s time to slow down again and focus on what’s next.
Taking a moment to look back at how far I’ve come before looking to the immediate future again.
It’s my third-born’s last first day of school. I’m doing the mom thing and being proud and nostalgic.
The Sphinx’s Heart coming November 16, new print covers for Finding Heaven now available, and an update on my crazy life for the last several months.
About the empty nest, my current health, my amazing hubby, and how he inspires my love stories.