S1E6: The hidden value of our connections
Craft, Project Development, Writer Inspiration, Research Talena Winters Craft, Project Development, Writer Inspiration, Research Talena Winters

S1E6: The hidden value of our connections

In this episode, I talk about planning for the unexpected, working around copyright issues when referring to other people's Intellectual Property in our novels, the life and times of Pinocchio, Punch and Judy, and Anna Leonowens, and how serendipitous inspiration makes books better. I also discuss the hidden value we should take into consideration when hiring people in our business.

Mentioned in this episode:

Best Book Ever podcast by Julie Strauss: https://bestbookever.libsyn.com/

Stark Reflections Patreon roundtable discussion where I met Julie

Mug Quote of the Week:

Be the kind of person you would like to meet.

Question of the week:

How have you seen the hidden value you and others bring to the table pay off in your career or in your life?

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Music by Josh Rickard, www.joshrickardmusic.com.

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