These are some images I have made for you to enjoy for free. Please leave the watermark intact. All images are copyright Talena Winters, and may not be distributed by you in any form, for free or otherwise. You have permission to use my images on your own blog or website, as long as the watermark remains intact, you give credit to me, and provide a back link to this site. The image must be hosted by your own server, not just linked from my page.
Free Desktop Wallpapers
If you see a photograph in one of my galleries that you would like as a wallpaper, let me know.
To download, click on the image to bring up a light box, then right-click on the image and "Set as Desktop Background" to set it as your wallpaper. Resolution for most of the images below is 1920 x 1080 pixels, but some are larger. All have a 16:9 aspect ratio, though.
To check and see if you can get a larger image for a high-definition monitor, right-click on the enlarged image and click “Open in New Tab.” If the image that opens is larger than the preview, or if you have a zoom option with a magnifying glass, you can download the higher-resolution version from there.
Photos by Me:

Photos by Others:
16:9 resolution (most monitors)

3:2 Resolution (most tablets)