Gift Wrapped
It has been an interesting week, full of "things wrapped up."
On Monday, Jude did his last math test, scoring 93%. Even though we have been finished all of his other school stuff since the end of April, we had a late start on math (the books came late, 'cause they were back-ordered), so he has been working on it steadily for the last couple of months. He was pretty excited to finally finish it—and so was I!
On Wednesday, Jabin and Noah had their soccer BBQ and wrap-up. It turned out to be a beautiful day, and we all ate cheap hotdogs on cheap white buns and managed to not even pay a price for it the next day! (Sorry, I forgot the camera in the van, and was too lazy to go dig it out, so no photos.)
Also on Wednesday, I wrapped up nearly a week of intensive work on the last six months of my business books from 2009, and also getting my tax return completed. YAY! That's the earliest I have completed my tax return in five years of business. I was all caught up on my books just before we left Mena--and haven't been since. But I'm getting there!
On Thursday, Jude's golf lessons wrapped up with a putting competition and some prizes. Also, more hotdogs on white buns. At least these were half-decent hotdogs this time.
Jude concentrating on the green.
Thursday afternoon and evening, I celebrated the "finishing-of-the-taxes" with several hours of scrapbooking at Amanda's. This is one of the three layouts I completed. Why yes, I am still behind with my photos, why do you ask?
Aunty-nephew bonding time.
Today, Jason is wrapping up work before a week of holidays. We are very excited, because other than being sick or moving, Jason has not had any time off for, um,... I think about two years? Maybe longer? It's definitely time. We are hoping to spend a little time in Sylvan Lake, but also to get some projects done around here. I will keep you updated!
Also today, Noah is at his last day of school for the year at Kindergarten. Then, I will officially have a third grader, a first grader, and kindergartner in the house--well, "going intos", anyway.
Mark and Colleen passed through on Monday night on their way (moving) back to Yellowknife from Vancouver area. Unfortunately, Jason was away for the night for work, and it had been a long, stressful day for me with the kids (long story which I'm not sharing here), and it didn't work out to get together. However, she left me "a little something" that she picked up for me in Portland, Oregon, and I was able to get last night while at Amanda's.
How awesome is this??
A knitting coaster—combining two of my great loves in classic, vintage style. Does this girl know me, or what? Thank you, Colleen. It's perfect.
Now, without taxes looming, I am hearing the siren call of summer like a lullaby from heaven. I am looking forward to an endless string of summer afternoons at the splash park, or scrapbooking, or stitching, or knitting, or visiting friends, or gardening, or camping, or all of those on the same day (okay, maybe not quite). Somewhere in there (and soon) I have to plan school for next year, and I also have a goal of catching up on this year's books and STAYING caught up, so there will be none of this "late-with-the-taxes" nonsense next year. (Jason's pretty excited about that, too.)
What have YOU been up to this week, friends?