Talena Winters

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Not so long ago, I came across this really cool project on DadCanDo for Dragon Glare Reducing Goggles.

My boys have no need for Dragon Glare Reducing Goggles (most of the time), but I thought that the craft would be equally authentic as Snow Glare Reducing Goggles to go with our unit about Mountain Climbing and Sir Edmund Hillary.

I got some pop bottles from Amanda (she didn't even charge me the deposit! What a friend!), gathered the rest of the supplies from my copious stash and overflowing recycle bin, and came up with my own version. (I'm usually too cheap to pay for a pattern I can re-invent on my own. However, for those of you less craftily-inclined, I am not going to steal any further revenue from Mr. Chris Bernardo. He is doing some great work over on that DadCanDo site, and I hitherto recommend that if you want to create your own version, head on over there and buy the instructions for yourself.)

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Bottle of gold spray paint? $10. The rest of the supplies? Free. Listening to three boys be "astropilots" for as long as Mom will let them before bed?...

...Well, you know the rest.