Make magic with yarn.

Beautiful, empowering, and accessible patterns and tutorials to unleash your inner knitting wizard.

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Classic. Enchanting. You.

Beautiful high-value patterns in multiple formats with precise instructions and loads of features that are just itching to make magic with your needles.

Knit Better

Unblock your creativity and unleash your inner knitting wizard with our easy-to-follow tutorials.

 Unleash the Knitting Wizard in You

There’s nothing quite as magical as wearing or giving something you made yourself.

There’s nothing quite as frustrating as not being able to follow the pattern to make it.

That’s why My Secret Wish knitting patterns have easy-to-follow instructions for every technique you’ll need. Transform your yarn into an item that will be enjoyed—and talked about—for years.

We empower knitters like you to elevate your skills and unleash your inner knitting wizard.

Ready to make some magic?

Nifty Knitty Gifties.

Are you looking for the perfect yarny-themed gift for the crafter in your life? Look no further than our Knittiana shop, where you’ll find mugs, clothes, and project bags to celebrate all the cozy, yarny joy.

What Our Customers Say:

Every body welcome.

Read our commitment to Inclusion and Accessibility.

Confessions of a Yarn Mermaid

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